Rome SDS is a company that was born of the need to recapture the spirit and fundamentals of snowboarding at a time when marketing heavily saturated and controlled the industry. Josh Reid and Paul Maravetz created Rome in 2001 to reintroduce the energy and fun they felt had been missing from snowboarding. A decade later, Rome SDS remains the progressive standard, dedicated to their founding values.
To solidify their contribution to the snowboard lifestyle, Rome SDS wanted to create films that would be the antithesis of all the overly polished and scripted snowboard movies on the market. Noct Bureau worked closely with Rome and John Cavan, the film’s director, to translate their photocopy punk style and ethos into motion graphics.
As Art Director for the films Any Means and No Correct Way, we employed layout, typography, motion graphics, and retail packaging to bring to life a budget, DIY, punk film that portrayed the evolution of snowboarding in resort town ghettos. In addition to a global ad campaign, Noct created an art book with custom packaging that documented the mayhem that took place over the years spent filming the “photocopied portrait of snowboarding’s dirtbags at their finest.”